The Ask a Midwife (AAM) service has been running in Hull and East Yorkshire since 2020 to help answer routine non urgent queries and offer advice to pregnant people and their loved ones at any stage of their pregnancy or new parenting journey.
AAM is available via Facebook and Instagram. Simply send a direct message and a member of the team will respond to you as quickly as possible.
The service is run by a team of experienced midwives.
Our operating hours can vary. Our midwives are normally available Monday to Friday, but these times may change. You can send a message at any time of the day or night and one of our team will get in touch with you as soon as they are online.
Ask A Midwife is not an urgent service. If you have any concerns about you or your baby and are over 16 weeks’ pregnant, please call Hull Women and Children’s Hospital on 01482311500.
If you have any urgent concerns about you or your baby before 16 weeks of pregnancy, please contact 111 or your GP.
Meet the Ask A Midwife Team


