What NHS career would suit you?



You start in the lab at Hull Royal Infirmary, testing patient samples from GP surgeries and from the wards.

A patient with diabetes comes to your outpatient clinic at 11am and you check his progress against test findings. Since you specialise in chemical pathology, you diagnose diseases in people, and you’re often asked by GPs to examine samples from diabetics.

Later, you visit a ward patient who’s receiving a food substitute, checking his progress and recovery. You love being part of a healthcare team and often get to participate in medical research, which contributes to the prevention of disease.


You love science, enjoy laboratory research and are interested in medicine. You can concentrate for long periods of time, enjoy helping others and want to work as part of a team.


You’re likely to need at least six or seven high grade 9-6 (A*-B) GCSE grades (or the equivalent), preferably including science subjects, and be all set to take three A-Levels (or the equivalent) at college/6th form.

You’ll need to apply for a General Medical Council (GMC) recognised degree in medicine at university. Getting three very good A-Level grades (or the equivalent) is a good idea if you’re applying for medicine, as this is a very competitive area.

After university, you’ll then spend several years working and training to specialise in pathology.

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