New for 2024, Golden Stars is the first staff awards ceremony for NHS Humber Health Partnership.
It brings together the former Hull University Teaching Hospitals Trust awards Golden Hearts, and the Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust Our Stars event.
Golden Stars 2024 took place at the Hilton Hotel on Friday 13 September.
Thank you to our sponsors, without your incredible generosity this event would not be possible.
Our Gold sponsor is APCOA
Our Silver sponsors are:
Our Bronze sponsors are:
If you would like to get involved and sponsor Golden Stars 2024, contact or
The Golden Stars Awards Team will strive every year to make the judging process as simple and fair as possible. This will help to ensure that the finalists and winners represent the talent and successes we have in our teams and individuals throughout the year at our hospitals.
After the closing date all nominations are scored by the pre-judging team using specific criteria, and a shortlist of five nominations is created for each category. The nominations shortlisted will then go through to the judging panel where the final decisions are made as to who the winners of each category are.
The judging panel is made up of the Group Executive Team, representatives from each Care Group and Directorate, previous awards winners and patient representatives.
The pre-judging team will usually comprise staff from all or some of the following areas:
The pre-judging process takes place from the closing date for applications.
The pre-judging panel are given a maximum of 2 weeks to complete shortlisting and to submit their scores for all applications. All pre-judging is co-ordinated by the Communications and OD teams. If any other individuals are identified for pre-judging, they must be paired with a member of the Communications or OD team to ensure consistency and accuracy of judging. Working in pairs the pre-judges are each allocated 2-3 categories to judge.
Both staff members marking that category must complete the score sheet for each application separately, individually assigning a score for each element. The score sheets for the pre-judging process should be used for all categories.
All scores should then be recorded in a master score sheet, and the top 5 in each category identified.
If there is a tie in scores, or a discrepancy with scores, and it is not possible to identify a top 5, another pair should then re-mark the whole category and add all of the scores together. If it is still not possible to identify a top 5, the whole pre-judging panel should then review the category and select a top 5.
The following individuals are all invited to judge the shortlisted entries:
Once pre-judging is complete, the top 5 applications for all categories are then submitted to the judging panel.
The judging panel are emailed a pack of the top nominations for each category approximately 2 weeks before the panel takes place. They are asked to choose their top 3 in each category, assigning 10 points for 1st place, 5 points for 2nd place and 1 point for 3rd place.
At the judging panel they are then asked to tell the rest of the panel how they have scored each category, and the scores are recorded in an overall score sheet by the Communications and OD team representatives.
If a judge has scored but is unable to attend the formal panel, they may submit their scores electronically to be recorded before the judging panel takes place.
In the event of a tie for any category, the panel will discuss until they can agree a final top 3 in order.
The Chief Executive of the Trust will remain impartial but act as Chair of the judging panel. In the event of a tie where the panel are unable to agree a final top 3, the Chief Executive will score the applications fairly and their vote will provide the deciding vote on which team or individual will win. They must vote and their scores recorded to adjust the overall scores accordingly.
The decision of the judging panel is final.
Applications to the Golden Stars Awards are subject to the following terms and conditions.